Wii Don't Care...

Posted at 22:09
..or at least ii don't anyway. I'm sick of worse-than-a-99p-double-DVD-disc-set tripe like this: stupid morons trying to cash-in on the most over-hyped console to date that wi(i)ll "go down in history", at least according to todays Metro.

Bring on some smart-arse from Ye Olde Yorkshire. Ho ho ho, let's publish an e-bay listing for no less than £499,000, and say Hey, lets set a World Record for the Most Arrogant Twat To Sell A Console For Stupid Money Just To Gain Pathetic Media Attention And Make £499,000+ Whilst In the Process, and a simultaneous World Record for the Stupidest Numpty To Buy It.

I often wonder if everyone has lost their braincells, when something like this low-end buzz becomes a 'big deal'. Then again ever since I was URL'd the Numa-Yei kid, I have realised that humans really are the dumbest creatures ever to pollute Planet Earth. No wonder intelligent life doesn't bother invading us; we're about as bright as the average city becomes during a mass blackout.

Then again, I wave my hands at my own one-sided argument. I wouldn't care so much if 1) The proceeds of this pointless 'record' were given to charity, or some equally greater good and 2) The winning bidder recognised this, and paid up accordingly.

But what do I think, based on the harsh reality of human nature? Pffft, I believe nothing. I believe the I believe the winning sod will stick the proverbial finger up at one unhappy seller, all will fall apart and be forgotten by the mass publicia, and this time next week we'll all be Googling for some moron that can recite the German alphabet - BACKWARDS - whilst naked, hiccuping, and painted purple.

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